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About Us

Company News

Our Roxsand newsletter is meant to be a quick read for employees, customers, vendors, and friends. Our goal is to illuminate, explain, amuse, or educate. Most of all, we like to recognize employees for the work they do. Quite often, the theme of safety is our subject because of our daily focus on zero accidents and citations. We highlight how proud we are of our production plants and equipment. Sometimes something humorous strikes us and we pass it along. Holidays are always fun because they afford us an opportunity to be thankful for all of our blessings.

We are a family business and after 145 years and five generations, we could not be more proud of the multi-generation families who have worked for us. As you read through this archive, we sincerely hope you gain an insight into WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE DO!

News and Updates

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  Title Date PDF
Rip Rap - It All Starts With a Bang02-07-2025View/Download
Cyber Security Penetration Test: What You Need to Know01-31-2025View/Download
Sales and Safety - Focus On What You Can Control01-24-2025View/Download
Looking Toward the Future: It's More Than a Resolution01-10-2025View/Download
New Year’s Day: Building Better Futures, One Stone at a Time01-03-2025View/Download
Hope vs. Optimism12-27-2024View/Download
Burn the Ships12-20-2024View/Download
Early 1900s Products12-13-2024View/Download
Embracing Gratitude - A Shift in Perspective12-06-2024View/Download
The Ripple Effect11-29-2024View/Download
Dell Rapids Shop Update11-22-2024View/Download
Readiness for Business Growth11-15-2024View/Download
A Team Always Willing to Help11-08-2024View/Download
Election Year is Upon Us11-01-2024View/Download
Ace Ready Mix Operations10-25-2024View/Download
Seasonal Transitions at the 88th Yard10-18-2024View/Download
Up for the Challenge10-11-2024View/Download
Fun Facts about October: Emracing Autumn10-04-2024View/Download
Waste Water Treatment Project09-27-2024View/Download
Harvesting Success: Celebrating our Teams and Progress09-20-2024View/Download
Fort Lupton Operations09-13-2024View/Download
30 CFR Part 60 - Respirable Crustalline Silica09-06-2024View/Download
"What Does L. G. Everist, Inc. Do?"08-30-2024View/Download
D & I Railroad Flood Recovery Update08-23-2024View/Download
Discover the Benefits of L. G. Everist, Inc.08-16-2024View/Download
Successful Permitting Through Teamwork and Dedication08-09-2024View/Download
Hawarden Unites: Community Resilience After Flooding08-02-2024View/Download
Structured Problem-Solving07-26-2024View/Download
Commitment to Customer Service07-19-2024View/Download
Midyear Safety Message07-12-2024View/Download
Rising Together07-05-2024View/Download
Lessons Learned06-28-2024View/Download
Overcoming Adversity: Turning Challenges into Triumphs06-21-2024View/Download
Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Site Optimization06-14-2024View/Download
Implementing Operation Plans for Strategic Growth06-07-2024View/Download

Press Releases


  Title Date PDF
L.G. Everist plans major development, starting with ready-mix plant06-12-2023View
D&I Railroad adds famous cars to fleet05-09-2022View
L.G. Everist expands ready-mix with purchase of area supplier11-06-2020View
Ruhland hangs it up after 41 years11-06-2019View
KSFY - Dusty Johnson Tours the Dell Rapids East Quarry07-08-2019View
Inside the modern L.G. Everist Inc.: Fifth-generation business moves into new downtown headquarters06-26-2019View
L.G. Everist unloading system boosts facility production10-07-2016View
Vistors Tour Dell Rapids02-22-2016View
Dells' Legion continues work on Veterans Park11-10-2015View
America's Pinkest City09-16-2015View
L. G. Everist, Inc. buys Akron's Higman 11-13-2014View
Sioux Quartzite's Ancient Beauty07-22-2013View